At the end of every day since my daughter was about a year old I would marvel at something wonderful, cute, or funny that she had done that day. When her daddy came home from work I would share with him a cute story about what she had done or said that day that made me laugh or made me appreciate the beauty of childhood.
I knew at the time that I should be writing these little mini-stories down, but I didn't, because just keeping up with her was enough for me. But now she is 3 with 4 just around the corner. And I feel her childhood slipping away from me like sand through my hands. At times I reach and grasp for moments and try to hold on to them as though if I concentrated enough I could hold on to them forever. But time will not be held. And my heart will not be stilled. I watch her grow and love her more and more each day.
Today was such a wonderful day. She was cute and cuddley from the moment she woke up and when I brought her to daycare she clung to me. It broke my heart to leave her. A part of me needs the quiet in the house while she's out and a part of me never wants her to be out of my site.
The weather outside today was amazing. Indian Summer they call this I believe. To have a 68 degree day in November is really something. So we were outside in the yard, she playing with a toy cat, I drinking tea with a friend. And then she brought over a bag she had found with candy in it. She asked if she could give it to my friend and I couldn't help but feel delighted at her generosity.
Then after the candy exchange she went in the house. She was gone a few moments and my friend and I were debating about what she was doing. Was she getting into more candy and eating it while we weren't looking? Or was she getting another toy to play with?...In a few moments she returned with toys in her hands and absalutely no signs of any candy consumption.
I know I swelled up with pride, but how could I not. My friend reminded me to watch my modesty and not to brag. But we were both so happy to see her playing happily feeding her little toy cat. The self-discipline and respect that I saw in her at this moment really made me smile and I know when I look back on these years it will be these precious moments that I truly cherish.
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