It was Shakespeare who asked so long ago, "Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"
My answer would be no. I'll tell you why.
Perry is the family name on my maternal side. It was the maiden name of my beloved great-grandmother Mary Aird. The woman who raised my own mother and four other children despite having a hearing impairment. Mary taught my mother perseverance and unconditional love. And she is missed by all her family.
Going back a few generations, the Perry family was one of the six founding families that came from France to Prince Edward Island. They were Poirer then. Mary's father Anglosized the name to Perry.
Joining together Perry and Pellegrini is very meaningful and acknowledges my side of the family as well as my husbands.
For the first time it feels as though I have a name that I can identify with that has meaning for me.
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